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Off to a good start Alltech Coppens

The production of high-quality hatchery feeds is paramount for successful aquaculture.

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Increased efforts

Alltech Coppens has increased its efforts to supply fish in their most delicate early life stages with tailored feeds to support optimal performance, meeting nutritional requirements and ruling out deficiencies, minimising deformities and mortality. Getting it right from the start with a nutritionally balanced feed is essential to achieving good results. This feeding strategy creates continuity in the supply of the fishes’ nutritional requirements.

Getting it right

Getting it right from the start makes it easier to reach the best overall performance. Choosing the best quality raw materials is critical to optimal performance. All raw materials used by Alltech Coppens have been intensively screened at the Alltech Coppens Aqua Centre, showing the improvements in growth and performance when feeding two of Alltech Coppens starter feeds to rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) during the hatchery phase until 5 grams. The results of this benchmark trial are shown below:


New INDUSTRIAL assortment 2020

In the Alltech Coppens Aqua Centre, we continuously test and develop the new and existing feeds. All feeds have been updated by applying the latest nutritional findings. By this, we secure and provide the full potential of the feed utilised by your fish. Our feeds contain pristine and unique products, balanced out to offer the maximum growth and optimal FCR our clients pursue.