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Sustainability is at the heart of our company

A passionate commitment to build a more sustainable future.

At Alltech Coppens, we aspire for generations to come together to create a sustainable world. In addition to developing products that maintain a better and sustainable environment, we agree that protecting the environment is important, and we are taking a stand. We are actively taking steps towards achieving our sustainable aquaculture goals by giving utmost respect for the climate, sustainable sourcing of materials and social responsibility.

We visualize a planet of prosperity made possible by modern technology and management methods and the world's most precious endless resource — human ingenuity. We believe that aquaculture can have the most positive effect on our planet, and we want to use our presence to illustrate misunderstandings and misinformation about the aquaculture industry while shining light on the profound changes and developments regarding how food is created on our planet.

Working Together For A Planet Of Plenty

At Alltech Coppens, we are Working Together for a Planet of Plenty™. A planet where science-based solutions help ensure sustainable food production for the global population. A planet where aquaculture’s story is central to the development of thriving communities and ecosystems. A planet where, through collaboration and innovation, we can create a world of abundance for future generations.

Alltech took a significant step toward its sustainability goals when Dr. Mark Lyons, president and CEO of Alltech, and Mrs. Deirdre Lyons, co-founder of Alltech, signed a letter to the secretary-general of the United Nations, committing Alltech to the U.N. Global Compact, which focuses on positive advancements in human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption.

The U.N. Global Compact, the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative, allows the U.N. to work with companies to help move the SDGs forward. Companies that join the Global Compact are asked to select the targets they feel are most closely aligned with their core business and are therefore actionable by the company.

Alltech Coppens focusses on advancing nine of the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that are particularly relevant to our business. Each SDG has specific, actionable targets that contribute to the overall goal.

As part of this commitment, we will focus on the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals:

We work to align ourselves with these SDGs and take control of our future sustainability through our corporate activities and responsibilities.


We focus our attention on three main areas, as they are directly related to our value chain:

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Science & Innovation

The impacts of science and innovation on the environment are leading factors for shifting to sustainable supply management. We focus on reducing harmful impacts of pollution and waste on global ecosystems, contributing to a healthy, flourishing planet.

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