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Official opening of our new research expansion

The first facility of its kind globally will provide greater opportunities for aquafeed research and innovation, driving improved farm performance.

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Ronald Faber | CEO & Global Aqua Lead

Fish production in Germany, Austria, Nigeria, Lithuania, Russia and many more countries is hugely prevalent — with species varying from rainbow trout, catfish, sturgeon and many more. The aquaculture industry develops globally at a high pace, requiring farmers to develop their methods quickly and optimize their farm’ performance and efficiency to face upcoming challenges like the growing demand for fish, climate change and sustainability.

“The unique feature of this expansion is that we are now able to conduct growth and digestibility trials at the same time,” Ronald Faber explained. “Also, this system can create the perfect circumstances for species like trout, eel and also catfish.”

Nutrient requirements and feeding characteristics of fish are key to farm performance. At the Alltech Coppens Aqua Centre, over 20 years of in-depth research has been carried out on methods of promoting the health of fish and determining their precise nutritional requirements. This research has provided the basis for the formulation of efficient, high performing diets and the development of feeding strategies — both of which have been instrumental in the success of fish farmers. We can’t wait to take the next steps!

Ronald Faber, CEO & Global Aqua Lead Alltech, together with Philip Lyons, Global Manager Aquaculture Research officially open the newest expansion of the Alltech Coppens Aqua Centre.

Virtual Tour – Step inside the Alltech Coppens Aqua Centre

Join Philip Lyons, Global Manager Aquaculture Research, for a virtual tour through the new expansion at the Alltech Coppens Aqua Centre! Step inside & learn how these new developments can benefit your farm.

4 Pillars of Excellence in fish nutrition

Philip Lyons, Global Manager Aquaculture Research, offers his insights on the future of fish nutrition through the Four Pillars concept.

All the research conducted at the Alltech Coppens Aqua Centre falls under these four pillars. By doing this, we ensure that all studies and trials apply to both our feed formulation and the needs of our customers in order to develop the feeds of the future that suit every farming environment.

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Insights from a catfish farmer

Frank Foolen, catfish farmer in the Netherlands, gives insights into farming claresse and the importance of digestible feeds. Claresse is a hybrid that originates from a natural cross between two fish sorts from the European catfish family, sustainably farmed in a RAS.

The future of research for efficient aquaculture production

The Alltech Coppens Aqua Centre (ACAC) addresses challenges related to farmed catfish, the feeding of rainbow trout, efficient operations in RAS, raceway, pond and cage fish production and the environmental sustainability of raw materials and practices used in the global aquaculture industry. The newly expanded research centre will now enable Alltech Coppens to broaden the spectrum of their research and work more efficiently. Robin Biermann, manager ACAC, discusses the advantages of the new expansion to the ACAC and the importance of these developments for farmers, now and in the future.

What is the crucial role of feeds in the efficient operation of aquaculture production?
''Feed constitutes one of the highest costs in a fish farm and also in catfish production. The feed choice is absolutely paramount for qualitative fish production. Therefore, a farm has to be aware of the feed they use. A suitable feed needs to...'' Read more →


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